5 Best Upper Chest Exercises for Bigger Pecs

5 Best Upper Chest Exercises for Bigger Pecs

You must work on strengthening your upper pecs if you want to have a "large chest" appearance. You can improve your overall strength and performance in other activities, such as pushing or pulling activities, as well as your posture, by strengthening these muscles.

The sternal pectoralis major and the clavicular pectoralis major make up the upper chest muscles (lower pec). Your upper arm rotates inward thanks to these muscles. The shoulder joint's flexion, your upper arm's adduction, and your shoulders' depression are also affected by them.

You've come to the correct place if you're seeking upper chest exercises that will motivate you and help you reach your fitness objectives. Here are 5 exercises to help you tone your chest and build muscle.

5 Best Upper Chest Exercises for Bigger, Stronger Pecs

1. Incline Barbell Bench Press

5 Best Upper Chest Exercises for Bigger Pecs

The majority of specialists concur that the incline barbell bench press is the best exercise for the upper chest out of all those you may perform for this area of the body. The incline barbell bench press is performed while seated on a bench that is inclined. You can make sure you're giving your upper pecs the extra attention they require by shifting the posture of your torso under the bar.

2. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

5 Best Upper Chest Exercises for Bigger Pecs

You're in luck if you want to target your upper chest but don't have access to a barbell. The incline dumbbell bench press is another dumbbell exercise that you may use to work your upper chest.

It makes no difference if you want to perform upper chest exercises at home but just have a few pieces of equipment or simply don't have access to a barbell. In either case, you should give this workout a shot.

3. Reverse Grip Bench Press

5 Best Upper Chest Exercises for Bigger Pecs

The incline barbell and dumbbell bench presses are where most individuals give up when trying to figure out how to work the upper chest. However, there are several other workouts, such as the reverse grip bench press, that are quite beneficial. This exercise, which targets the upper chest while putting the least amount of stress on the shoulders, is undervalued.

4. Bodyweight Dips

5 Best Upper Chest Exercises for Bigger Pecs

All of the chest muscles, including the upper pec, are boosted by bodyweight dips. This is another frequently overlooked compound exercise that can be effective, like the reverse-grip bench press.

If you're unable to perform a bodyweight dip, start by using the assisted dip machine at your gym. To make your assistance, you can also coil a resistance band beneath a set of parallel bars.

5. Low to High Cable Crossovers

5 Best Upper Chest Exercises for Bigger Pecs

Try performing some low to high cable crossovers as supplemental training for the upper chest. These are wonderful finishing movements to perform toward the end of your workout because they train the upper chest more specifically than other exercises to do.

Take hold of one cable handle in each hand to begin doing low to high cable crossings. Your palms should be facing forward and at a 45-degree angle to the ground.

Related article: 6 Best Chest Workouts for Building Muscle

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