Although the advantages of performing body part split routines, in which you concentrate your strength training program on only one or two body parts or muscle groups, are frequently discussed, many people still like doing full-body workouts.
The main advantage of a full-body workout is that it is a very effective form of strength training. You can complete full-body exercises two to three times per week and still meet the strength training requirements for physical activity, even if you have a hectic schedule or don't want to spend the majority of your weekdays lifting weights in the gym.
In order to increase strength, definition, and general fitness, the following full-body exercises and compound exercises will be covered in detail in this article, along with tips on how to get a fantastic full-body workout:
10 Best Full-Body Exercises
1. Barbell Bench Press
Movement Execution:
Lie down with your back on the flat bench and place your feet stably on the floor. Place yourself so that the dumbbell bar is about at eye level above you. Now carefully lift the barbell out of the dumbbell rack and position it at the level of the chest. Now slowly lower the barbell and weight down. The elbows are rather guided inside, so they should not be pushed outwards. It is important that the lower back remains tense throughout the exercise, and that the shoulder blades are pulled down. The barbell should come to a standstill just above the chest, and then it is slowly pushed up again. The chest should not be touched when lowering and, above all, should not be used to cushion the bar. Make sure that you do not completely extend your arms at the highest point and that the entire movement sequence (including lowering) is done slowly and in a controlled manner.
Variation: incline bench press, in which the rear part of the dumbbell bench is tilted upwards, negative bench press, in which the dumbbell bench is placed in a slightly negatively inclined position, or bench press by means of dumbbells. The bench press with dumbbells is more coordinatively demanding and the perfect alternative to the bench press with the barbell.
2. Biceps Curls
Biceps curls are also a very popular exercise with the barbell or EZ bar. Biceps and arm flexors (m. brachialis) are stressed.
Movement Execution:
Grab the barbell or EZ bar about shoulder-width apart in the comb handle or under the handle. The palms are placed under the bar with this handle. The thumbs are pointing outwards. Then stand about hip-width apart and stabilize your body in an upright position by tensing the abdominal and pom muscles and pulling the shoulders back slightly. The lower back should form a light hollow cross. Now slowly release the weight by bending the elbow. If the bar is just above the thigh, tighten your upper arms and bring the weight back up again by bending the elbow. Remember not to stretch your arms completely at the reversal point and, above all, make sure that you do not swing with your upper body or arms, which will make the exercise ineffective. The upper body and shoulders should remain completely calm during the entire exercise.
Variation: Scott curls (with the barbell), concentration curls, hammer curls (with the dumbbell)
3. One Arm Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
For effective training of all three heads of the triceps muscle, all you need is a dumbbell.
Movement Execution:
Grab a dumbbell and stand hip-width apart. Now stretch the arm straight up with the dumbbell, but make sure not to stretch the arm completely to protect the joint. For the exercise, the arm is now bent sideways over the elbow joint to an angle of almost 90 degrees, so that the dumbbell is approximately at head level at the reversal point. Now turn the movement over again and stretch the arm purely over the elbow joint back to the starting position. Only the forearm moves and the rest of the body must be kept stable. The shoulders remain behind.
Variation: one-armed triceps pressing while sitting or on the incline bench, kickbacks on the dumbbell bench
4. One Arm Dumbbell Row
The upper back, and especially the wide back muscle (m. latissimus) and the hooded muscle (m. trapezius) are appealing, you train very well with this exercise.
Movement Execution:
Stand sideways next to your weight bench and now sit your knee facing the weight bench on the lower third of the weight bench. The lower leg is also placed on the weight bench, while the foot remains in the air behind the bench. The upper body is now bent straight forward. The body weight is supported on the front third of the weight bench with the hand facing the weight bench. Form a light hollow cross with your lower back and keep your back stable and straight in position. The dumbbell is held with the free hand. It is now guided vertically downwards on the outside of the weight bench. Then the dumbbell is pulled up again by tensing the wide back muscle. At the uppermost point, the upper body can be pulled up slightly again, which activates the hooded muscle more strongly. Avoid doing the exercise with a round or curved back, and also avoid getting momentum with the shoulder or forearm.
Variation: rowing with the barbell
5. Incline Dumbbell Fly
Two dumbbells are needed for those flying on the inclined bench. The exercise trains the large pectoral muscle and is a very good alternative to the bench press.
Movement Execution:
Take a dumbbell in each hand and lie on the incline bench with your back. The head, back, and bottom are lying on the bench. The legs are bent slightly spread out towards the floor and the feet are placed stably on the floor. Now stretch the arms up and, as always, make sure not to stretch the arms completely, but to maintain a small angle of diffraction. For optimal stabilization, tighten the abdominal muscles. Start with the exercise by slowly letting your arms fall to the side in the almost stretched-out position. At the level of the training bench, the movement is reversed and the arms are brought back up to the starting position. It is important that only the position of the arms changes, and that the arms are not bent. The rest of the body also remains in position.
Variation: Rotate the grip position by 90 degrees so that both thumbs point inwards and cross slightly in front of the chest
6. Dumbbell Reverse Fly
Also for this exercise, two dumbbells are needed. You can perform them freely standing with your torso bent forward or sitting on the weight bench. The exercise excellently trains the hooded muscle and deltoid muscle.
Movement Execution:
Grab a dumbbell for each hand and stand hip-width apart. Now bend your upper body straight forward over the hip until it is parallel to the floor, while at the same time, you go slightly to your knees. It is important that the back remains straight outstretched and you form a slight hollow cross in the lower back. The exercise starts by lifting the dumbbells sideways upwards with your arms almost stretched out. Bring the dumbbells slightly above the level of the head. Then you lead the arms in a controlled manner and continue almost straight down again. Avoid swinging and keep control over a slow-movement execution.
Variation: cross while standing behind the buttocks
7. Preacher Curl
Unfortunately, the forearms are very often neglected in training, but they are easy to train with the following exercise.
Movement Execution:
Take the barbell and sit on the flat bench, while simultaneously placing the forearms on the flat bench. The hands grasp the barbell tightly to each other and protrude slightly beyond the end of the dumbbell bench. The upper body is stretched out and is slightly bent forward until the upper arms are aligned exactly vertically downwards in the direction of the weight bench. The exercise is performed only by bending the wrists. First, the wrists are slowly bent downwards, then the barbell is brought back up by tensing the forearm muscles by straightening the wrists. The amplitude of movement always remains quite small. The rest of the body remains motionless in the initial position.
Variation: forearm curls with lowering of the forearms on the thighs or barbell behind the buttocks move only with the wrists upwards
8. Military Press
Well-trained shoulders shape the appearance in a very positive way. The shoulder press is an excellent dumbbell exercise for this and revs up the attractive deltoid muscle.
Movement Execution:
Set the incline bench to the topmost step with maximum inclination. Take the barbell and sit on the flat bench with your back stretched out. The back rests against the erected part of the sloping bench and forms a light hollow cross in the lower part. The legs fall to the left and right of the weight bench towards the floor and are slightly spread apart. The feet rest on the ground and form a stable foundation. Push the barbell up by moving your arms almost straight over your head. Now bring both arms straight over the elbows and down in a controlled manner. During the movement, stretch your chest out and keep your shoulders at the back of the cushion of the incline bench. As soon as the hands are on the side of the head, reverse the movement and push the dumbbell back up slowly and in a controlled manner. The elbows and shoulders should remain in one line. The back remains firm and leaning against the upholstery.
Variation: Front pressing while sitting or standing with a slight lunge or with dumbbells
9. Deadlift
The deadlift is a very well-known and extremely effective full-body exercise, which should be properly performed as part of your training program. Since the exercise is not very easy in terms of coordination and you can also do some things wrong, beginners need a briefing and should be additionally checked by an expert athlete the first few times.
Movement Execution:
The barbell is placed on the floor in front of the body. Stand in front of her just above shoulder width and then squat down. The most important thing in the exercise is that the back should remain straight all the time and with a slight hollow cross in the lower area. In no case, the back should not be curved, otherwise, it will press very unfavorably on the intervertebral discs. Ideally, the bar is gripped slightly above shoulder width in the upper grip (the back of the hand points upwards). Now the upward movement is initiated, during which the legs are pressed through at the same time and the upper body slowly straightens up. The arms remain pointing downwards, while the gaze looks straight ahead. If you perform the exercise correctly, then the dumbbell bar is always guided along close to the body. The reversal point is reached when the upper body is completely straightened and the dumbbell is in front of the hip. Then perform the downward movement in a clean and controlled manner. The shoulders are slightly pulled back. The back remains straight by keeping the abdominal muscles and back extensors tense.
Variation: Deadlift with the dumbbell, Good Mornings
10. Squats
The squat is particularly suitable for training legs and buttocks. However, this exercise is also technically demanding and should be accompanied and controlled by an expert fitness expert for the first few times.
Movement Execution:
For the squat with the barbell, the barbell bar must rest on the shoulders in a stable position behind the head. The bar is gripped much wider than shoulder width to create the most stable starting position possible. The upper body remains straight with the chest slightly pushed forward and a slight hollow back. The abdominal muscles become tense, and the gaze is directed forward. Now slowly bend and control the legs, while the upper body is slightly stretched forward and the buttocks slightly back. The knees should bend in the same line and above the tips of the feet during the downward movement. The reversal point is reached when the thighs are parallel to the floor. The legs are then stretched out again with pressure over the heels in a controlled manner. The back must remain straight. Pay attention to maintaining the light hollow cross and keep the knees stable. Also, make sure that the knees do not turn inward or outward during the exercise.
Variation: front squat, squat with dumbbells, squat with lunge (barbell or dumbbell)