8 Best Leg Exercises To Build Muscular Legs

8 Best Leg Exercises To Build Muscular Legs

Without a question, one of the hardest body components to exercise is the leg. This is because the legs are a vast muscular group that demands a lot of effort and focus.

You must incorporate the correct exercises at the right intensity into your leg workout to target all the different muscle groups in the legs.

Every excellent gym regimen must include a leg day exercise. The primary exercises for developing the functional strength necessary to succeed in the gym, during sports, and in daily life are squats, lunges, and deadlifts. They also increase your strength and cardiovascular fitness by getting your heart rate up and burning a tonne of calories.

The Best Leg Exercises For Mass And Strength

1. Back Squat

8 Best Leg Exercises To Build Muscular Legs

Barbell Back Squatallows you to use very heavy weights.

Place barbell on traps, stand with your feet outside shoulder width & toes pointing out slightly. Keeping your chest upright & scapula retracted lower your torso, while doing this shift your weight to your glutes until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Breathe out & extend your legs, repeat until failure.

4 sets, 6-10 reps

2. Leg Extension

8 Best Leg Exercises To Build Muscular Legs

Once seated, place lower bar over your shins, hold handles on either side, & separate legs so they are approximately shoulder width apart. Extend your legs & hold once fully extended. Lower your legs back down, slowly, until the weight has returned to its starting place. As soon as it does, extend your legs with force. For more advanced training, once 10-15 repetitions have been done, move to a faster & shorter execution of the movement. No longer coming all the down or holding at maximum extension. Rather pushing your quads as hard as possible until total muscle failure.

4 sets, 10-12 reps

3. Reverse Hack Squat Machine

8 Best Leg Exercises To Build Muscular Legs

Place shoulder on padding facing towards the machine. Have your feet outside shoulder width on the middle of the platform. Bend your knees until your butt is slightly lower then your knees. Breathe out & extend your legs, repeat until failure.

4 sets, 10-12 reps

4. Leg Press

8 Best Leg Exercises To Build Muscular Legs

Position yourself in the machine, make sure there is inherent tension on your glutes while your knees are bent. Feet should be relatively high on the platform, & about shoulder width apart. Extend your legs, pushing through your heels. Slowly lower the weight until you are at a dead stop. Repeat until failure!

5. Lying Leg Curls

8 Best Leg Exercises To Build Muscular Legs

Lie down on the machine & place the back of your lower leg against the padding. Hold onto the handles & keep your chest upright. Bring the back of your leg towards your butt, & hold if you can once your hamstrings contract. Slowly lower the weight back down until it stops completely. Take a breath & do the next repetition in the same way.

4 sets, 10-12 reps

6. Lunge

8 Best Leg Exercises To Build Muscular Legs

All types of lunges work the hamstrings, hips, and huge quadriceps muscles, which assist your attempts to lose weight, develop muscle and burn calories. You will perform twice as many reps as you normally would for bilateral exercises since you are exercising each leg separately. This implies twice as much enjoyment, right? Lunges are excellent for weight loss and muscular development.

4 sets, 10-12 reps

7. Dumbbell Goblet Squat

8 Best Leg Exercises To Build Muscular Legs

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart & hold a single dumbbell up by your chest. Bend your knees until the dumbbell touches your thighs & your body is in a chair position. Breathe out & push through your heels until you are upright once again, squeeze your quads & repeat movement until muscle failure.

4 sets, 10-12 reps

8. Deadlift

8 Best Leg Exercises To Build Muscular Legs

I like to do these with a rest after each repetition when I’m going heavy. Place your hands outside shoulder width & feet approximately shoulder width. Keep your chest upright during the lift & don’t round your back. Come all the way up until your legs are straight. Send the bar back down without much resistance, make sure it falls in the same trajectory as it was lifted.

4 sets, 10-12 reps

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