The Best Shoulder and Bicep Workout for Mass

The Best Shoulder and Bicep Workout for Mass

Although two of the smaller upper body muscles, the shoulders, and biceps frequently determine how you appear, particularly when you're wearing a cut-off T-shirt or sleeveless vest.

Many individuals enjoy working out their shoulders and biceps at the same time, but this method may not always be the most effective. If your shoulders and biceps aren't keeping up with the rest of your body, give them the workout they deserve.

Here, we share the best shoulder and biceps exercises for building strength and growth. Do it weekly for the best results!

Full Bodybuilding Shoulder and Biceps Workout

The Best Shoulder Workout For Strength And Mass

Behind The Head Straight Bar Press

The Best Shoulder and Bicep Workout for Mass

Standing upright carefully place a straight barbell along your trap muscles. Breathe out & extend your arms pushing the weight directly upwards until your elbows are fully extended. Carefully lower the weight back down to your traps

Rear Delt Barbell Row

The Best Shoulder and Bicep Workout for Mass

Hold the barbell by the small opening on the weight, and bend your torso down so it’s parallel with the floor. Now drive the bar upward so it hits your lower chest. Make sure to maintain your position. Once you contact the delts let the weight return to the starting position with your arms extended. Work until failure for best results.

Upright Row

The Best Shoulder and Bicep Workout for Mass

Grab the bar with a pronated grip just outside shoulder width & stand straight up. Lift the bar upwards & breathe out. Stop when the bar reaches the chest region. Allow the bar to descend on the same path downwards until your arms are straight & you are back in the starting position. Repeat until muscle failure.

Hammer Front Raise

The Best Shoulder and Bicep Workout for Mass

Hold two dumbbells at your sides with a neutral grip. Keep your arms extended and raise your arm in front of your body until your hand aligns with your shoulder & the dumbbell is at eye level. Hold here for less than a second, then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Breathe between each repetition, and avoid using momentum until the muscle is completely fatigued.

Reverse dumbbell flys

The Best Shoulder and Bicep Workout for Mass

Grab a pair of dumbbells, hold them in front of your body & lean forward so your torso is parallel with the floor & the dumbbells are hanging in front of your body. Breathe out & raise the dumbbells simultaneously outward by your sides. Make sure to stabilize your position & slightly bend your elbows as you raise the weight for maximum engagement. Slowly lower the weight back down until it is in the starting position, and repeat until failure for best results.

Related article: Full Shoulder Workout for Faster Shoulder Gains

The Best Biceps Workout For Strength And Mass

Seated Barbell Curl

Place the barbell on your thighs, and keep your chest up and shoulders back. Lift the barbell until the bicep is fully contracted. Squeeze and hold here for one second, then slowly lower the weight back to the thighs and repeat.

Cable Curl

The Best Shoulder and Bicep Workout for Mass

Attach a straight bar to the cable station & set the pulley to a low position on the bar. Keep your chest upright & shoulders back. Your elbows should be slightly forward, breathe out & lift the bar directly upwards, stopping on it passes your chest. Hold once your bicep is fully engaged for 1 second. Lower the bar down slowly, not fully but just before the full stretch creates the contraction.

Concentration Hammer Curls

The Best Shoulder and Bicep Workout for Mass

Sit on the edge of a workout bench, holding a dumbbell with your wrist in a neutral position. Wedge your elbow against your inner thigh, breathe out & raise the dumbbell upwards as high as it can go. Hold in this position for a moment, then slowly lower the weight down until your arm is straight. Make sure to keep the same wrist position throughout the movement. Repeat the exercise with the other arm, mirroring the position on the other side.

Related article: 5 Best Bicep Curl Variations to Build Muscle

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