Best Back Exercises For Men

Best Back Exercises For Men

When you engage in a back workout, you resist the darker impulses that the average gym man is prone to. Many of these "flex-focused" lifters only care about the muscles they can see in the mirror, spending hours and hours performing repetitions of dumbbell curls, cable pressdowns, and flies so they can take twice as long to appreciate the (very imbalanced) pump they see in the mirror.

But you are aware of better. You're prepared to focus on the large muscles that are harder to identify when you take the time to examine yourself, and you'll benefit from including back-focused workouts in your training split.

But you are aware of better. You're prepared to focus on the large muscles that are harder to identify when you take the time to examine yourself, and you'll benefit from including back-focused workouts in your training split.

The 10 Best Exercises to Build Strong and Wider Back

Bent-Over Row

Best Back Exercises For Men

Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of a weighted barbell, position yourself like you would for a deadlift. When your torso is roughly parallel to the floor, hinge at the hips. grasp the barbell with a little wider grasp than you would for a deadlift. Row the barbell while leaning back so that your weight is on your heels. Use your elbow to lead the pull until it hits your abdominal button. 

Between reps, the barbell shouldn't touch the ground. If you have long arms, you might wish to hold the object with a wider grip or raise your chest higher. 

Single-Arm Dumbbell Row

Best Back Exercises For Men

A bench should be parallel to you as you stand next to it. With your other foot firmly planted on the ground, place your same-side hand and knee on it. Grab a dumbbell with your free hand and reach down. Maintain a straight back and a neutral head position. Up till your elbow crosses your body, row the dumbbell to your side. After doing all of your reps on one side, swap.

Straight-Arm Pulldown

Best Back Exercises For Men

Connect a cable pulley set to the highest position using a rope handle, straight bar, or EZ bar. (The rope is a common choice.) Back up far enough to let you straighten your arms and tilt your torso forward 45 degrees without the cable sagging. Pull the rope to the tops of your thighs while slightly bending your elbows. Your triceps shouldn't feel at all engaged. 


Best Back Exercises For Men

Take a slightly wider-than-shoulder-width hold on the bar with your overhead position. As you begin the pull-up, tighten the muscles in your upper back and core while keeping your arms at your sides and shoulders up high. To push your shoulders away from your ears, try to raise your chin to the bar's level or higher.

Lat Pulldown

Best Back Exercises For Men

Set yourself up with your legs underneath the pad and your hands pronated (palms facing away) and a little wider than shoulder-width on the bar attachment. Pull the bar down to your chin while keeping your core tight and your torso erect, or even slightly arched, to bring your shoulder blades together at the bottom. Go back to the starting position while slowly resisting the weight.


Best Back Exercises For Men

Legs should be hip-width apart when you stand, with your back arched. Just outside of your knees should be where your grasp is. Maintaining a flat black, drive through with your hips as your shoulders go back, extend your hips to stand up, and drag the bar up along your torso till lock-out. Keep an eye on the ground a few feet in front of you while you pull. Return the bar to its starting position slowly.

Trap-Bar Deadlift

Best Back Exercises For Men

Put a trap bar in place and place your feet hip-width apart. Grab the handles while bending back at the hips. Drive through your heels to stand up straight and extend your hips and knees while maintaining the natural arch in your lower back.

Landmine One-Arm Row

Best Back Exercises For Men

Insert the bar's end into the corner. To prevent damaging the wall and floor, wrap towels around the end of the bar or place cushioning in the corner. Hold the barbell with your right hand at the other end, above the area where you load the weights, facing away from the corner. Put your left leg forward as you stand. Bend at the hips till your torso is just slightly above parallel with the floor while maintaining a flat lower back. Row the bar to your ribs while pulling back on your shoulder blade.

Lying Lateral Raise

Best Back Exercises For Men

A dumbbell is held in each hand as you recline on an adjustable bench with your chest down. As you lift your arms 90 degrees to your sides with your palms facing down in the top position, squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Back Extension

Best Back Exercises For Men

Allowing your torso to slant forward until your hips are nearly 90 degrees bent while locking your legs into a back extension bench. Make a straight line with your body by extending your hips.

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