Chest and Tricep Bodyweight Workout


Chest and Tricep Bodyweight Workout

Most people want to strengthen their triceps and chest muscles. There are Calisthenics exercises that target both of these muscles, therefore training them simultaneously is also effective. You may get an efficient Chest and Tricep Bodyweight Workout in this article. robust muscle together with his top five bodyweight exercises for the chest and triceps.

From beginners to experts, everyone may benefit from this exercise. Three chest exercises and two tricep exercises make up the program. Many individuals believe that weightlifting is essential for developing muscular mass, however, this is untrue. Calisthenics and other bodyweight exercises are already sufficient to build muscle. Add this exercise to your program, and you'll undoubtedly experience a satisfying burn and see increased growth.

5 Best Bodyweight Chest and Triceps Exercises

Foot-Elevated Pushups

Chest and Tricep Bodyweight Workout

This variant of the traditional pushup targets your upper chest and the front of your shoulders and is more difficult. A higher surface will make this motion more challenging, while a lower surface will make it simpler. If you are unable to complete this exercise, simply begin the workout with the standard pushups below. The workout will start to work your shoulders more than your chest if you choose a surface that is too high.

Place your hands on the floor a few feet away from a bench or other elevated surface, slightly wider than your shoulders. Position both feet on the bench with toes tucked. Bend at your elbows and keep your upper arm about 45 degrees from your torso as you drop down and aim your collar bones to the floor. Once at the bottom, push the floor away from you, pressing with your chest, and repeat.

2 - 4 sets


Chest and Tricep Bodyweight Workout

Pushups are a classic for a reason. These foundational bodyweight exercises strengthen your chest and upper arms. Bending the elbows about 45 degrees from the torso, drop your chest toward the floor aiming for your fingertips. Once at the bottom, push the floor away from you while pressing with your chest.

Incline Pushups

Chest and Tricep Bodyweight Workout

You may focus on your chest while reducing some of the strain on your arms and shoulders in an incline position. Using a lower surface will make this motion harder, and a higher surface will make it easier.

With your legs stretched behind you on the ground, position your hands at the edge of the bench or other elevated surface, somewhat wider than your shoulders. As you point your chest toward your fingertips, bend your elbows at a 45-degree angle from your torso. Press through your hands to lift yourself back up once your chest is barely above the bench.

2 - 4 sets

Bodyweight Skull Crusher

Chest and Tricep Bodyweight Workout

Strong Muscle suggests this difficult workout to work your triceps while they are stretched out. To keep your torso stable during this exercise, you'll need strong triceps in addition to a strong core. It works the triceps and the core in equal measure. If executing this exercise while standing is too challenging, try kneeling in front of a low bench and performing it from there.

Stand two to three steps back and take a firm hold of a hefty table, bench, or another secure surface with your hands spread shoulder-width apart. You should only bend at your elbows as you lower your body toward the surface. Use your triceps to push yourself back up to the starting position once you've stopped when your head is between your hands.

2 - 4 sets

Close-Grip Pushups

Chest and Tricep Bodyweight Workout

The shorter stance of this pushup variation primarily targets your triceps. As with the classic pushups above, you can consider lifting your hands or feet to make it harder or easier.

Put your hands slightly closer than shoulder width and perform a pushup. Drop your chest down toward the floor, aiming for your fingertips, while keeping your elbows close to your torso. When you reach the bottom, use your chest and triceps to press the floor away from you.

2 - 4 sets

Related article: 6 Dumbbell Chest Exercises You Can Do At Home

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