Between meals, have a snack to keep your hunger at bay so you don't inhale your supper when you finally settle down to eat. Snacking can also assist you in obtaining all of the nutrients you require. On the other hand, snacking all day, especially on meals with low nutritional value, may lead to overeating. Making sure you have healthy options on hand and are prepared when hunger strikes is a smart idea. Many of these weight-loss foods also make excellent on-the-go munchies. Here, we answer some often asked eating questions before sharing 20 healthy snacks to help you lose weight.
Don't Miss! Best Breakfast Foods for Weight Loss
Is snacking permissible as part of a balanced diet? Yes, of course! Choose a snack that is high in protein, fat, and/or fiber. Because all of these nutrients take longer to digest, they keep you fuller for longer. Snacks are also an excellent method to supplement your daily nutrition. Consider carrots with hummus, an apple with nut butter, or whole-grain crackers with cheese for snacks. You're also more likely to overeat at your next meal if you let yourself feel too hungry. Even though chips and sweets are commonly thought of as "snack" items, consuming snacks can assist you to avoid overeating.
When it comes to reducing weight, you may believe that calories are the most crucial factor to consider when snacking. However, 100 calories of jelly beans will leave you feeling unsatisfied, whereas 200 calories of almonds and dried fruit will. That isn't to suggest that calories aren't necessary; they are, but it's also important to choose a snack that is both nutritious and filling. All of our weight-loss meal plans allow for two snacks per day, with each snack containing roughly 200 calories on the 1,500-calorie meal plans.
What about a late-night snack?
The biggest issue with late-night snacking is that most of us grab ice cream and chips rather than fruit and yogurt. That isn't to suggest you can't indulge in something sweet after supper. This list may include some of your favorite nighttime treats (chocolate! popcorn!).
One thing to keep in mind is that if you're always hungry after dinner, make sure your meal is satisfying and healthful and that you're eating enough. If all you're eating is a mediocre salad, you might be hungry and in need of an evening snack.
If you want a late-night snack, put yourself a healthy serving onto a plate or bowl rather than scooping directly from the container, where you're more inclined to consume more. You can check in with your body and hunger levels when you have your dish. According to a dietitian, these are the Best and Worst Late-Night Snacks.
The 20 Best Snacks for Weight Loss
Kale Chips
Replace your normal chips with kale chips for a healthier alternative. Protein, fiber, and antioxidants such as beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin abound in this leafy green. According to a study published in Biomedical Reports, kale can also help with weight loss. Kale helped lower plasma glucose levels, which has been associated with weight loss, according to the findings.
Cottage Cheese
Full-fat cottage cheese is high in linoleic acid, a fatty acid linked to fat loss, in addition to being high in protein (about 25 grams per cup). According to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, consuming more protein and dairy products like cottage cheese helped overweight and obese premenopausal women lose weight and increase muscle. Add some fresh raspberries on top for an extra boost of fiber—one cup has eight grams.
Roasted Chickpeas
According to a March 2016 review in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating 3/4 cup of legumes, such as chickpeas, can help you lose approximately one pound in six weeks without making any other dietary modifications. Instead of eating them plain, try roasting them with extra-virgin olive oil, sea salt, and a hefty sprinkle of cumin or smoky paprika for a flavor boost. Yum!
Almonds with Pomegranate Seeds
According to a May 2014 study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, overweight and obese women who ate 1 1/2 ounces of nuts as part of a low-calorie diet for three months lost more weight than women who didn't eat nuts. Combine 1/4 cup almonds with 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds in a salad. According to Pflugradt, the water and fiber in the fruit will fill you up even more—not to mention satiate your sweet taste.
Hummus and Carrots
Dig into another wonderful way to get your daily dose of beans with hummus. What about your dipper? Raw vegetables like celery and carrots are high in carotenoids, polyphenols that may aid enhance insulin sensitivity as well as reduce waist circumference and BMI, according to a study.
Chia Pudding
The tiny yet powerful seeds aren't just high in protein and fiber. "They're fantastic for weight loss," says Amy Shapiro, RD, a nutritionist. "They can contain up to ten times their weight in water, which causes them to expand in your stomach and keep you full." Try combining them with unsweetened almond milk, chopped walnuts, and dried blueberries in a delicious chia pudding. According to Shapiro, this recipe provides enough for two snacks.
Apple with Peanut Butter
According to a 2015 study published in PLOS Medicine, apples are one of the best fruits for weight loss due to their high fiber content. Pflugradt recommends mixing two tablespoons of natural peanut butter with an injection of protein and healthy fats. Just make sure you thoroughly examine the labels on peanut butter jars for additional sugar and bad oils.
Dessert Hummus with Fruit
The sweeter version of hummus, like the savory version, is packed with protein- and fiber-rich chickpeas that will keep you full for hours. Puree chickpeas with vanilla extract, unsweetened cocoa powder, and a splash of maple syrup for natural sweetness to make your dessert hummus. You may also buy one to use as a dip for fresh strawberries at the shop. Just stay away from ones that are high in sugar and limit your serving size.
Guacamole with Jicama
Avocado lovers rejoice: According to a sponsored study published in Nutrition Journal, avocado eaters weigh less and have lower BMIs than those who avoid green fruit. Instead of using chips, serve the dip with jicama. The sliced veggie provides six grams of belly-filling fiber in a one-cup meal and only 46 calories.
Green Smoothie
Smoothies are a tasty way to get an extra serving of vegetables, making them a terrific weight-loss snack. "I enjoy a 50/50 mix of vegetables and fruits with a protein and fiber addition," explains Pflugradt. Consider combining a handful of baby spinach with 3/4 cup low-fat milk and one tablespoon ground flaxseeds, or kale and frozen berries with 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk and one tablespoon almond butter.
Savory Greek Yogurt
Pflugradt suggests substituting roasted, salted pumpkin seeds, chopped olives, or sliced cherry tomatoes for your typical fruit or granola addition. Per cup of yogurt, you'll get roughly 23 grams of appetite-suppressing protein. Not to mention a probiotic shot, which according to a study could help you lose up to 4% of your body fat in just six weeks.
Baked Sweet Potato with Nut or Seed Butter
Sweet potatoes can be served at any time of day, not only for lunch or dinner. Orange tubers are also a delicious snack thanks to their sweet flavor and six grams of fibre. For extra staying power, top with a protein-rich topping like almond butter or tahini.
Oatmeal with Cinnamon
Why confine something so delicious to simply breakfast? Oats are high in beta-glucans, a form of soluble fiber that increases satiety, according to research. For a full combination of fiber and protein, Pflugradt recommends heating 1/4 cup rolled or steel-cut oats with 1/2 cup 2 percent milk. Top with your favorite fruit and a sprinkling of cinnamon, which has been shown in studies to help maintain blood sugar levels.
Pears with Parmesan Cheese
A medium pear contains over six grams of fibre. Enjoy it with an ounce of Parmesan cheese, which is high in protein and creates a delicious sweet-salty combination, according to Shapiro.
Mini Frittatas
Egg protein has been demonstrated to suppress hunger hormones and aid in weight loss. If you're tired of hard-boiled eggs, try making bite-sized frittatas in a little muffin tray.
Shapiro suggests that you take a cup of soybean pods. There are 18 grams of protein and eight grams of fiber in this snack, which will keep you full until your next meal.
Do you have a salty craving? Pistachios are high in protein and fiber. According to a June 2010 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people who snacked on 240 calories of green nuts dropped their BMI by one point in just four weeks, whereas those who ate a similar amount of pretzels experienced no change. Pick in-shell pistachios since they take longer to eat than shelled pistachios.
Split Pea Soup
It may appear to be an unusual snack choice, but consider this: According to a 2011 study published in Nutrition Journal, the protein in split peas has been demonstrated to help lessen hunger more than protein from dairy foods like Greek yogurt. A single cup of split pea soup has 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber.
Blueberry Toast
Spread one tablespoon of almond butter over a slice of whole-grain toast and top with mashed blueberries (frozen berries that have been thawed are acceptable!). You'll get a good mix of protein, healthy fats, and fiber, as well as an added benefit: Anthocyanins are an antioxidant present in blueberries that have been linked to weight loss.
Green Tea Latte
The green brew is high in catechins, antioxidant-rich molecules that may help you burn more calories, according to a study. Even so, store-bought tea lattes are typically high in calories and sugar. Blend half a cup of brewed green tea with a cup of warm low-fat milk to make your own healthier version. (Blending creates a thick, foamy texture in the latte.) If you want a hint of sweetness, Shapiro recommends adding a spoonful of honey.