The longer you've been training, the more creative and innovative you'll need to be to make your exercises more severe, therefore incorporate advanced training tactics into your workout routine. A superset is when you perform two distinct exercises back to back without taking a break. Supersets can be made up of any two exercises. It might be two exercises that target the same muscle group or two workouts that target distinct muscles. In this article, Strong Muscle presents a unique high-intensity weight training for the biceps and triceps, which performs supersets combining workouts for both muscles. Because your arms do all of the liftings for your body, the biceps and triceps form are the strength generators for your arms and grips.
These biceps and triceps supersets consist of three supersets that combine two exercises (one for biceps and the other for triceps) and a single finisher workout.
Bicep and Tricep Superset Workout
Superset: Bicep Dumbbell Curl and Tricep Dumbbell Kickback
1. Bicep Dumbbell Curl
With a dumbbell in each hand, stand up straight. Make sure your elbows are close to your torso and your hands are facing front. This is where you begin. Curl the weights with your upper arm straight and your biceps contracted while breathing out. Continue squeezing your biceps until they are fully tightened, then pause for a second. Take a deep breath and slowly lower the weights.
4 Sets Of 15 Reps
2. Tricep Dumbbell Kickback
Begin by holding a dumbbell in each hand, palms towards your torso. Maintain a straight back while slightly bending your knees and leaning forward at the waist. The floor should be almost parallel to your torso. Keep your wits about you. The forearm and upper arm should make a 90-degree angle. This is where you should begin. Keep your upper arms still, exhale, and lift the weights with your triceps until the arm is fully extended. Inhale and steadily lower the weights down after a brief pause at the top.
4 Sets Of 15 Reps
Superset: Hammer Dumbbell Curl and Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension
1. Hammer Dumbbell Curl
Hold a dumbbell in each hand at arms length as you stand with your torso upright. Hands should face your torso with palms facing up. Exhale and curl the weights forward while squeezing the biceps while holding your upper arms motionless. Raise the dumbbell until it reaches shoulder level. Hold for a second in the contracted position. Take a deep breath and slowly lower the weights.
4 Sets Of 12 Reps
2. Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension
This can be done either while sitting or while standing. If you're sitting, maintain your torso straight; if you're standing, keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Dumbbells should be held in front of you. Raise the dumbbells above your head until your arms are fully extended and straight out in front of you. Slowly lower the weights behind your head, keeping your elbows from flaring out too far. Bring the weight back up slowly while inhaling once your arm has moved beyond parallel to the floor in the full range of motion. Throughout the action, the upper arms will stay in position.
Superset: Standing One Arm Dumbbell Curl Over Incline Bench and Cable Tricep Push Down
1. Standing One Arm Dumbbell Curl Over Incline Bench
On the backside of an incline bench, stand. With one hand, rest the dumbbell across the incline bench with a supinated grip. At a wide stance, the chest should be placed against the top half of the incline bench, and the feet should be pressed against the floor. This is where you'll begin. Hold your upper arm still and raise the weights, contracting your biceps as you exhale. Hold the contracted position until the weights reach your shoulders. Hold for a second in this position. Breathe in slowly as you return them to the starting position.
2. Cable Tricep Pushdown
Attach a straight angled bar to a high pulley and grab it at shoulder width with an overhand grip. Bring your upper arms close to your body and perpendicular to the floor as you stand straight with a slight forward bend. Only move your forearms while keeping your upper arms still. Lower the bar until it rests against the front of your thighs and your arms are fully extended and parallel to the ground. While doing so, exhale. Inhale and slowly raise the bar.
Wide Grip Barbell Curl
Straighten your torso and stand up. Take a firm grip on the barbell's wide outer handle. Your hands' palms should be facing forward. The elbows should be near the torso. This is the starting point. While breathing out, keep your upper arms immobile and move your forearms to raise the barbell. Continue until the barbell reaches your shoulder level and you feel the maximal contraction, then hold for a second before slowly lowering the barbell to the starting position while inhaling deeply.