Perhaps this scenario is familiar to you: you've been following a low-calorie, health-conscious diet for a few weeks and are seeing the results you want. You've settled into your new nutritional routine, everything seems to be going well, and you're well on your way to achieving your objectives. However, you begin to detect a lag in your development, and your optimism begins to wane. What went wrong? - You've reached the awful ceiling.
During my freshman year of college, I tried my first diet cheat day. I decided to diet hard throughout the week and have one day on the weekends to eat anything I wanted while taking a continuous dose of nutrition courses. The weird thing was that no matter how many pizzas and cookies I ate on Saturdays, on Wednesdays I was slimmer than ever. I took my nutrition log to one of my professors to figure out what was going on, but he couldn't figure it out either.
Why Cheat Meals Work
Hormones including testosterone, leptin, and IGF-1 begin to plummet after just four days of calorie restriction, according to author Lyle McDonald. This occurs even before you begin to lose weight, demonstrating the body's intelligence. The human body was designed for survival, not to get thin or bulk up. Cheat meals replenish muscle glycogen, intramuscular fat, and leptin levels, resetting hormone levels. Cheat meals also help to reset metabolic levels by signaling to your body that you are not hungry.
The impact of the cheat meal on the dieter's mentality is maybe the most critical factor. Dieting success is mostly psychological, and having a day or even a single meal to look forward to offers many people the motivation they need to get through the remainder of the week.
Start Cheat Meals
The amount of food you eat on your cheat day is determined by your level of "super-compensation" (a Scott Abel term). When your muscles are like vacuums, running on almost nothing, super-compensation occurs. If they're empty, you can have a full cheat day, but if they're only a quarter full, you'll want to have a smaller cheat dinner. The thinner you go, the more frequently you'll need to "spike" calories to keep your tank full.
Begin by incorporating one cheat meal per week into your diet. Note how your body reacts to your cheat meals to determine your level of super-compensation. Gradually increase to a three-hour window, then a whole day, aiming for three to four times your dieting calories. If you're new to dieting, I recommend waiting 10-14 days before having your first cheat meal to get in the appropriate mentality for your trip.
What to Expect From Cheat Meals
- Increased body temperature: Thermogenesis, or the body's burning of macronutrients, may cause you to sweat. When you get leaner, your body temperature reduces, which is usually a good thing.
- Increased appetite the next day: This means you provided your metabolism with a much-needed boost.
Weight gain. Increased muscle glycogen stores and intramuscular fats/water cause this. After a good cheat day, I've gained as much as 15 pounds. Within a few days, if you're truly super-compensated, your weight will decrease back to baseline or lower.
- Increased commitment to diet: If you haven't tried including a cheat day into your diet yet, you should. You'll be surprised at how much more fun your life becomes.
- Better workouts: Your best workout will be early in the week following the cheat day.
6 Tips To Optimize Your Cheat Meal
1. Time Carefully
It's all about the timing. The optimum times to cheat are (1) shortly after an intensive workout to optimize your calorie usage, and (2) after a fasting period.
"Fasting" is a period, usually at least 12 hours4, during which you consume very few calories or none at all. According to studies, leptin levels drop after a 12-hour fast, which is why fasting before your cheat meal is a technique you should consider including in your diet.
2. Don’t Cheat with Junk
This is where the majority of individuals find themselves into problems. It's fine to treat yourself now and then, but a cheat meal isn't a license to eat whatever you want. Trans-fats, highly processed and chemical-rich foods, and high fructose corn syrup are all foods that should be avoided outright.
It's fine to indulge in non-diet meals now and then, but stay away from the genuine garbage. These foods can cause a lot of harm and little to no good, whether you're fat or slender, big or small.
3. Plan in Advance
The most serious problem with cheating is the possibility of overeating. Most people, once they psychologically permit themselves to indulge, do so, and it can be difficult to rein them in.
The solution is to plan. Layout the exact amount of food you intend to consume and resist the urge to go back for seconds. Also, make an effort to eat slowly. Don't you want to savor every bite of this delectable, one-of-a-kind meal? You'll get even more out of your cheat lunch if you take your time and savor each bite.
Keep a food log or journal to measure how much you’re consuming regularly, and to help you plan your cheat meal accordingly. In general, tracking your diet is one of the best things you can do while you’re attempting to lose weight.
4. Avoid your Addictions
Do you have a favorite meal that you also know is your worst weakness? Keep it out of the way. When you include these trigger items in your diet, sticking to your plan becomes much more difficult. Yes, a cheat meal is a terrific opportunity to eat something you've been craving, but it's not the time to binge on foods that cause you to lose control, which you're much more likely to do when you're consuming your drug of choice. Everyone, stay away from "drugs"!
5. Protein Always
Because cheat meals are generally high in carbs, remember to include protein. Protein aids with satiety and is required for muscle growth and retention following exercise (remember, this is a pre-cheat workout!). Make sure your meal contains at least 5 ounces of protein.
6. Cheat Meal vs. Day
Cheating should be limited to once a week or fewer. And instead of a cheat day, go for a cheat meal. This can save you from having to undo a week's worth of hard work. It's not a good idea to have a cheat day unless you're already exceptionally slender and fit, or if a full cheat day will help you achieve your goals.
A single, well-planned cheat meal should be successful in inducing that crucial metabolic boost to keep your progress going, as well as useful mentally because you won't feel deprived of your favorite foods. You should be able to get back on track with your nutrition and training regimen without any strong cravings after a very nice cheat meal.