12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

You may believe you're training your shoulders consistently, but you won't acquire stronger muscles that make your shoulders full and round until you include compound shoulder exercises in your regimen.

Compound shoulder workouts, which activate more than one muscle group at once, are an excellent approach to increasing shoulder muscle growth and strength.

Compound exercises require movement around multiple joints at the same time. As a result, these exercises target multiple muscle groups at once.

It is highly suggested that those of you who have been attempting to obtain 3D begin undertaking complex shoulder workouts.

How To Target The Shoulder

Compound movements and isolation movements are the two forms of shoulder exercises.

Compound shoulder exercises work a variety of muscle groups and help you move more functionally. You'll be able to take on more load as more muscle groups are stimulated, resulting in faster and more consistent movement patterns with larger weights. Overhead presses, upright rows, and push-ups are examples of these exercises.
Isolation shoulder exercises concentrate all of the strain on one muscle group; no other muscles take over and make life easier for the target muscle group. It consists solely of elbow extension with no other joint movement, such as front, lateral, or a side lift.

The Best Compound Shoulder Exercises

1. Pike Push Up

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

Pike push-ups, also known as shoulder push-ups, are a push-up variation that strengthens and stabilizes the shoulders and triceps. The shoulders will be targeted more than the chest if you perform the exercise in a more upright stance.

The pike push-up resembles a cross between Downward-Facing Dog and Dolphin Pose, and it can help you gain significant power.

2. Shoulder Tap Push Up

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

The shoulder tap push-up is a push-up variation that places a greater emphasis on the core than its regular counterpart.

Shoulder Tap Push-Ups are a full-body strength routine that strengthens your arms, shoulders, and chest while also focusing on your core.

3. Parallel Bar Dip

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

The bar dip is a great way to strengthen your chest muscles. The triceps and anterior deltoid are also targeted. On a pair of parallel bars, perform this exercise.

4. Barbell Overhead Press

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

The shoulder press is still the king of all shoulder workouts for sculpting big, round shoulders.

Bodybuilders' favorite shoulder workout is the seated shoulder push, which builds muscle quickly and is a powerful move. You must include this exercise in your arsenal of complex Shoulder Exercises.

5. Dumbbell Shoulder Press

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

The dumbbell shoulder press is a great alternative to the barbell shoulder press.

Dumbbells provide a complete range of motion while also allowing your shoulders to move freely. This exercise aids in the development of muscular mass in the front and side deltoids.

6. Arnold Shoulder Press

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

The Arnold Shoulder Press is a great shoulder workout for gaining muscle. Arnold's press stands out from the crowd when it comes to the best compound shoulder workouts with the best range of motion for shoulder muscles.

As you lower the weights deep down in front, you get a wide range of motion and a maximal stretch that other shoulder workouts don't provide.

7. Landmine Shoulder Press

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

Although the Landmine Press is a lesser-known exercise, it has numerous advantages in terms of upper-body development.

It can be done standing up, which enhances core engagement and helps to build core stability and abdominal muscular strength. You must include this exercise in your arsenal of complex Shoulder Exercises.

8. Face Pull

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

Face pull is a cable machine exercise that primarily targets the rear deltoid, as well as the biceps, triceps, and traps to a lesser extent.

This exercise helps to prevent muscular imbalance and strengthens the shoulders as a whole. There are, however, a variety of face pull variations to try out, each of which may necessitate different sorts of equipment and setup. This compound shoulder face pull exercise is a must-try.

9. Barbell Upright Row

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

The upright row is a great way to bulk up your trapezius muscles and get that deltopectoral separation.

Both narrow and wider grips can be used for upright rows. The trapezius is targeted by the narrow grasp, whereas the entire shoulder girdle is targeted by the wider grip. Furthermore, the wider grip for some cheating movements, allows you to lift more weight.

10. Standing Barbell Rear Delt Row

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

The standing barbell rear delt row is a free weight exercise that primarily targets the back deltoid and middle back, as well as the biceps, shoulders, and traps to a lesser extent.

If you've never done this exercise before, start with a lightweight, focusing on an amount that allows you to maintain perfect form rather than trying to lift heavy.

11. Seated Neutral-Grip Overhead Dumbbell Press

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

The sitting neutral-grip dumbbell overhead press is an excellent exercise for targeting the front (Front) head of the deltoids.

The advantage of utilizing dumbbells instead of a barbell for this exercise is that you strengthen more stabilizer muscles and have a wider range of motion.

However, utilizing a neutral grip is more difficult and provides a fantastic variation because it exercises the same muscle.

12. Behind-the-Neck Press

12 Best Compound Shoulder Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

A behind-the-neck press is a shoulder-targeting exercise. The overhead dumbbell presses and the regular military press target more of the anterior head of the deltoid, which is frequently activated even during the bench press.

The behind-the-neck push, on the other hand, activates the triceps, lateral delts, traps, and rhomboids while stimulating all three heads of the shoulder.

It's not a good idea to practice these compound shoulder exercises if you don't have a lot of shoulder mobility.

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