10 Exercises to Broaden and Strengthen your Shoulders

10 exercises to broaden and strengthen your shoulders

Most gym-goers desire thick, broad shoulders that offer them an enviable physique. If you don't have the biology, it's difficult to attain, but there are various workarounds we can focus on that will optimize the perception of your shoulders, giving you a more expansive picture.

We'll go through the top ten workouts for building delts, as well as the best strategies to project a bigger frame and some traps to avoid on the way to success.Most gym-goers desire thick, broad shoulders that offer them an enviable physique. If you don't have the biology, it's difficult to attain, but there are various workarounds we can focus on that will optimize the perception of your shoulders, giving you a more expansive picture.

We'll go through the top ten workouts for building delts, as well as the best strategies to project a bigger frame and some traps to avoid on the way to success.


It's all about putting on muscle in the appropriate locations to get broad shoulders. Your shoulder span is determined by the amount of muscle you can add to your already existing bone structure, similar to how you can broaden your neck.

Three muscle groups can aid with this perception, and if you can target all of them during your daily workouts, you'll be well on your way to expanding your shoulders.


When it comes to expanding your shoulder breadth, your delts are the stars of the show. If you want to expand your shoulders, you should concentrate on your mid delts in particular. The anterior, posterior, and medial delts are the three components that make up the triangle-shaped guards of your shoulder joint.

Your goal is to increase the size of these muscles the greatest to widen your overall shoulder width. If you want to increase your outward-facing gains, your middle delts, in particular, will require a lot of care.


Your traps are responsible for pulling your shoulders back. If you spend a lot of time working on the front half of your body, you'll automatically start hunching forward without your traps to support you.

Your chest will automatically open up if you have well-developed traps. This way, despite all of your hard work, you won't have to actively roam around your daily life readjusting your posture so your shoulders don't form a pathetic-looking crescent.


Your lats run the length of your lower back. They're the least important members of this network, yet they're essential for enhancing your posture and traps. You need the support your lats give your lower back if you want to project power and confidence, giving onlookers the impression of dramatically widened shoulders.


The pectoral muscles on your shoulders aren't exactly where they should be. In actuality, they only connect to that area in a few places on the outskirts. Your pecs are a group of broad muscles that go across the top of your chest. They start at your clavicle and sternum and run across your chest before returning to your rips.

They assist your upper arms in delivering pushing power and a degree of rotation. Your pecs also play a role in your posture and the energy you exude to the world.

If you can bulk up your pecs, you'll have a much larger chest to show off, and if you can broaden your chest, it'll give the impression that your shoulders are as well. If you feel like your development is stopping, a little chest training can help.


The most significant aspect of your shoulders to consider is your skeletal structure.

Everyone is constructed differently from the start, which means you'll eventually run into your body's physical limitations.

Chasing bigger shoulders means you'll be up against this uncomfortable truth all of the time. That's why, in addition to your deltoids, you should concentrate on your chest, traps, and lats.

If you can create a broad chest while also building broad shoulders, the desired effect will be dramatically increased, leaving you with a figure you can be proud of.

10 Exercises to Broaden and Strengthen your Shoulders


10 Exercises to Broaden and Strengthen your Shoulders

Bench presses are one of the first exercises that most people try when they first start going to the gym. They're a great way to show off your strength while also targeting multiple muscle groups at the same time.

This exercise's complex nature allows you to swiftly deplete your energy reserves and push your body toward muscle growth far more quickly than other workouts.

  • Start on a workout bench with the weights situated near your chest
  • Fully extend your arms straight up towards the barbell
  • Set your core and keep your feet firmly planted on the floor
  • Lift the weight off of the rack and lower it towards your chest until the bar is just about to touch your chest
  • Explosively press the bar back up until your arms are fully extended again
  • Repeat as appropriate for your current skill level


10 Exercises to Broaden and Strengthen your Shoulders

When you've mastered regular bench presses, try varying the workout by inclining the bench from which you're pressing. The muscles involved in pressing your weights away from your chest are shifted when the incline of the bench is changed.

  • Start on a workout bench with the bench inclined about 20 - 30 degrees with the weights situated near your chest
  • Fully extend your arms straight up towards the barbell
  • Set your core and keep your feet firmly planted on the floor
  • Lift the weight off of the rack and lower it towards your chest until the bar is just about to touch your chest
  • Explosively press the bar back up until your arms are fully extended again
  • Repeat as appropriate for your current skill level
You'll notice a difference in your upper chest and delts compared to normal bench lifts. They're an excellent approach to bulk up your delts and improve their strength.


10 Exercises to Broaden and Strengthen your Shoulders

When we think of workouts that will test the strength of our delts, the first thing that springs to mind is lateral raises. They're almost made to isolate that specific portion of your anatomy. If you want to add muscular mass to the width of your shoulders, these are by far the easiest exercises you can add to your repertoire.

  • Start by standing with a dumbbell in each hand
  • Begin with your arms by your sides, your palms should be facing inwards and your feet should be a comfortable distance apart.
  • Engage your core and keep your head pointed straight ahead
  • Raise both of your arms straight out to the side until the weights are in line with your shoulders
  • Pause for a few seconds at the top of the movement before slowly lowering the weights
  • Repeat 8 - 10 times per set

Spending longer periods of time lowering your weights back into their starting position is a simple approach to increase the challenge level and effectiveness of this workout. You engage your delts in eccentric contraction by lowering your weights back to their starting position with a great degree of control.

When you keep tension on a muscle while expanding the length of the flexed muscle, you're doing eccentric contractions. By starting from a position of strength, these contractions take a lot of strength out of your muscles. Eccentric contractions are great for fast wearing down your muscles and boosting muscle growth since they push your muscles to their limits.


This exercise forces you to concentrate on your balance while also preventing your upper back from rounding out into a bad posture. While exercising our shoulders

  • Start with one knee on the floor and the opposite foot flat on the floor
  • Grab your kettlebell with the hand on the same side as the planted foot
  • Set your core and bring the kettlebell a few inches off of the floor
  • Press the weight of the kettlebell straight up until your arm is fully extended above your shoulder 
  • Hold that position for a few moments before brining the kettlebell back down into the starting position
  • Switch your stance and lift with the opposite arm
  • Repeat 7-10 times per set


Thankfully, these have nothing to do with tugging your face. The term refers to the level at which your cable machine should be set up for this exercise. It's a fantastic approach to strengthen your shoulders.

  • Using the rope attachment on your cable machine, start with the rope a few inches above your eye line
  • With an overhand grip, grasp the rope and take a step or two back away from the machine to put some tension on your rope 
  • Push your hips back a little bit and pull the cable towards your face
  • Let your elbows flare out a little, they should create a parallel line with the ground
  • Slowly return the rope to the starting position and repeat


  • Either sit on a workout bench or stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • With either a barbell or a set of dumbbells, set your core and start with your weights around your shoulder height
  • Press the weights straight up until they’re above your head
  • Slowly return them to your upper chest
  • Repeat 5-8 times per set


  • Start seated in a workout bench, preferably one with enough of a back to support your body
  • With your hands pronated, grab your barbell a little bit wider than shoulder-width 
  • Press the bar up above your head by extending your arms 
  • Slowly lower the barbell behind your head. Make sure you’ve angled your head away from the bar to avoid bonking yourself on the dome
  • Press the bar back up over your head just before the weights touch your traps or the base of your neck 
  • Repeat about 5-7 time per set


The first time you do incline lateral raises at the gym, you might think they're a touch goofy, but the outcomes aren't funny. You challenge your upper body to engage with the exercise more fully by getting your feet off the ground and putting your body at an angle relative to gravity. This twist on a classic is a terrific way to challenge yourself even more.

  • Find a workout bench you can incline and bring the bench up into a 70 - 80 degree incline
  • Face the inclined bench with a weight in each hand and lie against it with your chest
  • Bring your feet up onto the bench
  • Pronate your wrists and lift your weights in a natural arc until they’re in line with your shoulders
  • Pause for a moment before lowering them back into your starting position


10 Exercises to Broaden and Strengthen your Shoulders

Front raises target your anterior deltoid muscles. They aren't the best workout for increasing your horizontal presence, but they are necessary for keeping a well-rounded deltoid and helping to define your shoulders enough to sell your shoulders more successfully.

  • Start by standing with your feet about hip-width apart. You want to be comfortable and steady for this exercise
  • Grab a dumbbell in each hand with your palms pronated a few inches in front of your thighs
  • Bring your arms up in front of your body, keeping your elbows slightly bent so they’re not being forced into an uncomfortable position by your weights 
  • Hold your weights in front of yourself for a brief second before lowering them back into your starting position
  • Repeat about 8-10 times per set


10 Exercises to Broaden and Strengthen your Shoulders

When it comes to adaptability, push-ups are the perfect workout. If you're working on a muscle in your upper body, adding push-ups to your program will help you achieve your goals.

  • Start on the floor with your arms fully extended in front of your torso about shoulder-width apart
  • Keep your back, legs, and head in line with each other
  • Lower your body to the floor until your nose is almost touching
  • Pause for a moment then push against the ground to return to your starting position
  • Repeat 10 times per set

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