Chest and Back Superset Workout

Chest and Back Superset Workout

A superset strength training program is a great way to increase muscle work. The goal is to work on the same two-muscle workout by doing several supersets each superset will consist of two exercises that will target each different muscles. The pectoral and back superset training is very interesting to achieve effective training in a short time. The intensity of the workout with the repetition of these antagonistic muscles will give you excellent congestion.

Chest and Back Superset Workout

Here, the training focuses on working the pecs and back muscles for an intense superset chest and back strength training program.

Our goal is to effectively engage both large muscle groups and for that, nothing better than polyarticular exercises supplemented by isolation exercises.

First superset: Bench press / Barbell Row

To start this program, the first chest/back superset will focus on two basic exercises, ideal for building mass: the bench press and the barbell row.

The Bench Press

Chest and Back Superset Workout

Basic polyarticular exercise that will use the entire front muscle chain of the upper body, with the main pectorals, triceps, and anterior deltoids (front of the shoulders). The bench press is an ideal weight training exercise for building muscle mass and gaining strength.

Performing the bench press:

Lying on the bench.

The shoulder blades tightened to concentrate muscular effort on the pecs.

The sheathed lower back maintaining the natural curvature of the lower back will help keep the spine straight and secure.

With your feet flat, well anchored in the ground, they will allow you to maintain a good balance and to push harder during the movement.

Buttocks glued to the bench throughout the movement

The head must remain straight and in contact with the bench during the execution.

The bar should go down vertically on the middle of the pecs and then go up in the same way.

Inhale on the descent and exhale on the ascent.

Barbell Row

Chest and Back Superset Workout

This exercise will mainly work on the latissimus dorsi, but it will also work the entire posterior chain with the trapezius, lower back, and back shoulders. It is therefore a very good exercise to place in your pectoral / back superset but also in a specific workout for the back.

Execution of the leaning bust row:

The bust should be bent while keeping the back straight (hip flexion). The hip flexion will allow better safety for the spine but also better recruitment of the latissimus dorsi, which will be essential for this exercise to be as effective as possible.

Remember to bend the knees slightly so that the strain on the glutes and hamstrings is not too great.

Pull the bar up to the navel, focusing your effort on the contraction of the latissimus.

Exhale as you pull up the bar and inhale as you descend.

Second superset: Incline Bench Press / Lat Pull Down

Incline Bench Press

Chest and Back Superset Workout

The inclined press will seek to put more tension on the upper part of the pectorals. This part is very often difficult to develop, which is why it is important to include an exercise in your pectoral training that will accentuate the work of this upper part of the pecs.

The placement and execution of the incline press are much the same as for the bench press. The trajectory of the bar must be vertical and descend to the upper part of the pecs. Be careful, however, not to lower the bar too low if your joint and muscle flexibility does not allow it. In this case, stop the descent 5 to 10 cm from your pecs, when you feel the muscle stretch enough.

Lat Pull Down

Chest and Back Superset Workout

The lat pull down is a muscle-building exercise for the latissimus muscles that will promote their development in width. It will allow good stretching for maximum muscle recruitment. It is thanks to it that you will develop a “V” back.

Execution of lat pull down:

This exercise should allow a good stretching of the latissimus muscles but it should not put too much strain on the joints. This is why it is important to always keep a slight flexion of the elbow.

Exhale as you pull the bar up to your chest Then, inhale while letting the bar rise


More than just lowering the bar, your elbows will guide your movement as you stretch and contract the latissimus.

Also, remember to bring out the chest and tighten the shoulder blades by pulling the bar for better recruitment of the latissimus.

Third superset: Incline Cable Fly / Seated Cable Row

Incline Cable Fly

Chest and Back Superset Workout

The spreads will allow you to get a better muscle stretch than the presses. They give very good sensations and are very good finishing exercises. It is important not to try to lift heavy on this type of exercise because the muscles and tendons will be put under great strain.

We can perform spreads with dumbbells or with the cable. But the cale will have the advantage of keeping the pecs under tension throughout the movement while with the dumbbells this tension is lost when the arms are brought to the vertical.

Seated Cable Row

Chest and Back Superset Workout

The horizontal pull-up is a great back strength exercise. Unlike vertical pulling which will promote a work of the back in width, horizontal pulling is an exercise that will strengthen the back in thickness.

It can be done with a tight grip handle as in the illustration above or with a straight bar allowing you to vary the grip (pronation, supination), which will allow the lower and middle trapezius to work more.

Fourth superset: Dips / Pull-Over


Chest and Back Superset Workout

To build your triceps, dips are one of the basic exercises. But they also work on the lower part of the pectorals and the front of the deltoids. That’s why it may be interesting to include a few sets in this chest/back superset program.


Chest and Back Superset Workout

Pull-Over exercise will mainly involve the latissimus dorsi. This exercise can make the shoulder joint difficult if it is a little weak. Therefore, favor light or moderate loads over medium or long sets (8 to 12 repetitions) for more secure work on the latissimus.

The pullover can be done with a dumbbell lying on a bench or standing at the bar with the high pulley.

Execution of the Pull-Over:

Starting position: Lying on the bench, the chest should be extended and the shoulder blades tightened. The spine must remain stationary at all times, it is only the shoulder joint that must move.

Lower the dumbbell to a good stretch of the latissimus, then raise the dumbbell to eye level.

Inhale on the descent and exhale on the ascent.


This superset pectoral & back strength training program is excellent for a mass gain program because it focuses on polyarticular exercises that will solicit a maximum of muscle fibers. The exercises presented are only a working basis, depending on your morphology and the sensations that you may have certain variants (width of the grip, pronation or supination, exercise with the bar, dumbbells or pulley) will suit you better. . It's up to you to try them out and incorporate them into your chest & back superset program. For quick results, remember that nutrition is a basic factor in good progress, consider making your weight training diet plan.

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