Since the measures are taken by the government to contain the epidemic of the coronavirus, you are confined to the house and you already miss the sport; or rather the machines of your favorite gyms are missing! But training without equipment is within everyone's reach. The only tool you need is your body! Put on your best sportswear, Strong Muscle has prepared a selection of ten exercises for you to help you exercise at home and without equipment.
Top 10 Bodyweight Exercises to Gain Muscle Mass at Home
We start with a sports staple, squats! This exercise is ideal during confinement to work your quads and glutes, in addition to strengthening the abdominal strap and lower back.
But concretely, how do we do it?
To begin with, stand up straight. Arms at your sides, and legs shoulder-width apart. Bend your legs as if to sit. Push your pelvis back and continue to descend until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Finally, get up by pushing on your heels and return to the starting position. That's it, you're ready to do your best squats!
Front Lunges
Front lunges are, like squats, a great exercise for building your thighs and glutes. Stand with your legs apart, back straight, and hands-on your waist. Take a big step forward and then flex your leg to obtain a 90 ° angle at the knee. Then, with your leg parallel to the ground, push up on it to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other leg and so on!
Superman Exercises
Do you have the soul of a superhero? Try the superman exercise!
This exercise, regularly recommended by physiotherapists, is very useful for strengthening the lumbar and back. For this exercise, nothing could be simpler: lie flat on your stomach, arms and legs outstretched as if you were flying in the air. Then lift your torso off the ground while raising your legs. Contract your glutes and slowly come back down. Remember to breathe calmly and deeply throughout the exercise!
Wall Squat
Wall squat is a core exercise that works the thighs and especially the quadriceps in a static position. To make the chair, all you need is a wall. Pick the most beautiful in your home and set a time goal. Stick your back straight and lower your legs to a right angle. Look far in front of you and get your abs tight. Now all you have to do is hang in there!
The Dips
Contrary to what some may say, you can do dips with almost nothing! Just bring a chair, we explain: dips allow you to work the arms, especially the triceps. Place a chair behind you and put your hands at its ends, keeping your arms straight. Bend your elbows until your arms are parallel to the floor, then return to the starting position.
Spoiler: after a few sets, your arms will heat up!
This time, we are offering you a bodyweight staple: Push-ups! Known to (almost) everyone, pumps are effective for working the upper body and especially the pectorals. There are many variations, such as inclined, declining, explosive pumps ... and many more. The most stressed muscles are not the same depending on the variants! You will be able to find there THE variant that will make your body vibrate.
The Bridge
No, we're not talking about a card game! The “bridge” also called “bridge on the ground” is a very useful exercise to strengthen his back and his hips. What about its execution?
Lie on your back and bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Place your arms on the floor by your side. Lift your hips until they form a straight line between the knees and shoulders. Stay still for a few seconds and then come back down in a controlled manner, before repeating the exercise.
Known to be effective and intense, burpees are often seen as a real challenge. Yet they only require a little agility and coordination! Follow the guide: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly outward. Now, perform these 3 steps in order:
Do a classic squat, but with your hands on the floor. Tilt your feet back and lower your torso until it just touches the floor.
Raise your torso and bring your feet forward to quickly return to a squat position, with your hands still on the floor.
Jump vertically with your hands in the air and return to a squat position.
And now… Start over!
The Reverse Crunch
A lot of people know crunch as the “staple” exercise for doing your sit-ups. Yet, too few people are interested in the reverse crunch, which allows you to work an area often neglected: the lower abdominal.
Take a mat (or otherwise cushion the floor) and lie on your back. Put your arms at your sides, close to the buttocks, and raise your legs out at right angles. Push your pelvis upward while bringing your knees to your chest, as if you want to kiss them. Then return your feet to the starting position and continue the exercise. Be careful, it will burn!
The Mountain Climber
A polyarticular and multifaceted exercise, the mountain climber is easily accessible and you don't need any equipment to do it.
To perform it, it's very simple: position yourself facing the ground, resting on your hands and your toes. Then get into a push-up position, keeping your arms and legs straight. Contract your abs and glutes, gazing down at the ground. Imagine running in place: flex one leg and then quickly return it to its starting position, while alternating with the other leg. You just have to repeat the sequence!
Now it's up to you to build your session. Awaken the soul of the sportsman who is in you! Choose the exercises that appeal to you the most, choose a good playlist, and, above all, have fun. One last thing before you start: we don't repeat it enough, but remember to stretch well and hydrate yourself after your session. The days after a session are not the easiest!